4.00/5.00 30, Nov -0001

I have used Quicken for over a decade to track ...

I have used Quicken for over a decade to track my finances. It is straightforward and keeps all my information in one convenient location. Being able to download bank transactions makes this very convenient, though I wish the price didn't go up as often as it does.

5.00/5.00 30, Nov -0001

Quicken has been a very reliable tool for me over ...

Quicken has been a very reliable tool for me over the years. I have correctly kept my spending and investment information, which makes tax season way easier. The application is very easy to use, and their customer support has been very helpful on the few occasions I encountered minor issues.

4.00/5.00 30, Nov -0001

I used Quicken for about 5 years; it's been a ...

I used Quicken for about 5 years; it's been a lifesaver with budgeting. Reports are detailed and easy to produce, so financial planning is much easier. I only wish it didn't require annual subscriptions.

4.00/5.00 30, Nov -0001

Quicken is extremely good at investment and expense tracking. I ...

Quicken is extremely good at investment and expense tracking. I enjoy the fact that it auto-categorizes my transactions, making it so easy to budget. The only drawback is from time to time, it will disconnect with one or all of my banks, but other than that it has been working great for me.

5.00/5.00 30, Nov -0001

I've used Quicken for over 15 years and find it ...

I've used Quicken for over 15 years and find it very, very helpful in maintaining my records. It keeps track of everything nice and neat, with all the reports I could want. Over the years, it has been very reliable.

4.00/5.00 30, Nov -0001

Quicken has helped me arrange my finances in a far ...

Quicken has helped me arrange my finances in a far more organized way. I had been in a better position to record my bills and transactions, but I find the subscription fee to be a little too much for what it has to offer. Fair enough, I haven't found anything better yet.

5.00/5.00 30, Nov -0001

The Quicken interface is super friendly, and the comprehensiveness of ...

The Quicken interface is super friendly, and the comprehensiveness of the software makes it a must-have to track multiple accounts. I have been using this for about 8 years continuously and find it very accurate every time.

4.00/5.00 30, Nov -0001

Quicken makes tax preparation much easier by allowing me to ...

Quicken makes tax preparation much easier by allowing me to pull all my financial information into one place. I've been using it for years and find it indispensable for keeping up with my finances. The only drawback is the subscription model, but for the service, it's worth it.

4.00/5.00 30, Nov -0001

I have been using Quicken for years to record my ...

I have been using Quicken for years to record my household's finances. It is very functional and keeps me on top of my bills and investments. The only problem is that sometimes it has issues when syncing with my accounts, but it seems to work okay otherwise.

4.00/5.00 30, Nov -0001

Quicken has been a very useful tool in organizing my ...

Quicken has been a very useful tool in organizing my personal and business finances. It gives very fine reports, which make planning a pretty easy thing to do. Not to mention, the sometimes updates that introduce little bugs, but usually, the customer service cleans up most of the messes in no time.

5.00/5.00 30, Nov -0001

I have used Quicken since the late '90s, and it's ...

I have used Quicken since the late '90s, and it's always been my go-to when it comes to managing personal finances. It helps me track how much I've spent in a month, my investment accounts even help me with taxes. The new features they keep adding are nice, but it was just so much nicer when I could buy the program. The customer service has been helpful, though, and I rarely have any major issues over the years.

5.00/5.00 30, Nov -0001

Quicken makes my life so much easier in terms of ...

Quicken makes my life so much easier in terms of tracking my money. I've been with them for over 15 years now because it just gives everything a normal perspective-from budgeting to planning for tax season. It syncs rather well with most of my bank accounts, and the support is always there in any hiccup that you have. It is a fair price for what I get back. It helps me keep all my financial information in one spot and encourages organization. Wouldn't be able to go back to manual tracking anymore.

5.00/5.00 30, Nov -0001

As an owner of a small business, Quicken is priceless ...

As an owner of a small business, Quicken is priceless in tracking personal and business expenses. It's so much easier to keep track of payroll, taxes, and bills all in one place. Recent enhancements have made it even easier to use, and I can say confidently that Quicken has saved me hours and hours. I highly recommend it to any person who juggles both personal and business finances.

5.00/5.00 30, Nov -0001

Quicken has been very helpful for me in setting and ...

Quicken has been very helpful for me in setting and managing my budget. I have used it for many years 10, I think all of my personal finances and household bills. It links with bank accounts with ease and allows you to categorize expenses with ease. I like the detail when it comes to tax time and makes filing easy. Downsides: it is an annual subscription, but honestly, it's worth every penny because of how much time it saves me.

4.00/5.00 30, Nov -0001

I have been using Quicken for close to 20 years, ...

I have been using Quicken for close to 20 years, and I find it incredibly feature-rich for tracking my finances. I enjoy the ability to download all transactions from my accounts and do quite detailed reports. Am I getting frustrated? Yes, because the price is now rather high versus what I used to pay. Hard to compete with actual software, though. If they allowed a little more flexibility in pricing tiers, it would be great, but overall, it is still the best financial software available.

5.00/5.00 30, Nov -0001

Quicken has become indispensable to me in my financial life. ...

Quicken has become indispensable to me in my financial life. It helps me stay organized and keeps me on top of my bills. It also allows me to see where I am at with my spending and savings goals. I have used it now for over 12 years and could not imagine doing my finances without it. Intuitive software that has gotten even more intuitive over the years. I wish they hadn't moved to a subscription model, but it's well worth the price of admission for peace of mind.

4.00/5.00 30, Nov -0001

Quicken has been a stalwart financial tool for me for ...

Quicken has been a stalwart financial tool for me for well over 15 years. I track everything from my retirement accounts to everyday spending in it. The features are robust, and it's always been very dependable. I do think the software could use more regular updates, especially as it relates to investment tracking. Still, this is the best option out there for personal finance management overpriced, as they have moved to a subscription cost.

5.00/5.00 30, Nov -0001

Quicken is the all-in-one tool I use to manage my ...

Quicken is the all-in-one tool I use to manage my finances. Being with them for more than 20 years has saved me so much time as the interface is so user-friendly. I love that in one place, I can track everything from bills to investments. I do miss the days when I could buy the software outright, but the subscription model hasn't been too much of an inconvenience. If you want to get a handle on your finances, this is the best software out there.

2.00/5.00 30, Nov -0001

I've been using Quicken for years now. It works but ...

I've been using Quicken for years now. It works but this new pricing is getting out of control. Every year, the subscription goes up, and they seem to add fewer useful features. I will be looking at cheaper options pretty soon.

3.00/5.00 30, Nov -0001

Quicken has been very good at managing my finances, but ...

Quicken has been very good at managing my finances, but frustrating moments arise when it does not synchronize bank accounts. Sometimes, transactions do not update as they should, and this can take days to correct. It is quite good, though lots of bugs need to be removed.

3.00/5.00 30, Nov -0001

I have been using Quicken for many years more than ...

I have been using Quicken for many years more than a decade-but often experience technical glitches that are painful to work through. Incorrect downloads, accounts failing to sync list of pesky bugs go on and on, making using the software take longer than it needs to. I value the role of this software in my life, but with the ongoing and increasing technical problems, it's hard to believe the value justifies the cost.

2.00/5.00 30, Nov -0001

I have been a Quicken user for many years. Less ...

I have been a Quicken user for many years. Less than pleased with their move to the subscription model. The software is great. But I miss the old days when I could purchase a version and use it for several years. I'm now paying more per year than I would have purchased new every few years, and this product just isn't getting much better where it counts. ????

3.00/5.00 30, Nov -0001

It's set up and has been working great for years. ...

It's set up and has been working great for years. The investment tracking is super outdated, and the software could use a serious facelift. It still serves its purpose for basic personal finance, but with the cost, I expect more.

3.00/5.00 30, Nov -0001

Quicken used to be pretty reliable but within the last ...

Quicken used to be pretty reliable but within the last year, I've been experiencing just too many glitches - from failed downloads of transactions to disconnection of accounts. It's just becoming more hassle than it's worth. For what they charge, I expect a much smoother experience.

2.00/5.00 30, Nov -0001

Quicken has become a hassle to deal with when it ...

Quicken has become a hassle to deal with when it comes to customer service. They botched the auto-renewal of a subscription they had on file for me, and this is going to take and will continue to take multiple calls to resolve. The product is fine, but with the customer service, it leaves a bad taste.

3.00/5.00 30, Nov -0001

I have been using Quicken for years now, and each ...

I have been using Quicken for years now, and each update was more like a downgrade in recent years. Features that were working fine in the past started to bug, and with the price increase lately, it does not seem justified at all. I seriously hope that they will fix those issues soon, or I will need to be looking for something else.

2.00/5.00 30, Nov -0001

Quicken is getting too expensive; mainly, because of the bugs ...

Quicken is getting too expensive; mainly, because of the bugs and issues I have had with it in terms of syncing accounts. It's a decent tool to track one's finances, but I just don't feel I get my money's worth.

2.00/5.00 30, Nov -0001

I used to love Quicken, but the cost of a ...

I used to love Quicken, but the cost of a subscription is out of hand. I'm paying more now than I ever did - for less functionality. It's becoming hard to justify continuing with Quicken when there are cheaper alternatives available.

3.00/5.00 30, Nov -0001

The auto-renewal system with Quicken is my biggest complaint. I ...

The auto-renewal system with Quicken is my biggest complaint. I have been charged for another year without notice, and it took a lot of hassle to get it sorted out. The program works okay, but that type of issue makes me apprehensive about continuing to use it.

2.00/5.00 30, Nov -0001

I have been having ongoing problems with account syncing. Sometimes, ...

I have been having ongoing problems with account syncing. Sometimes, transactions won't appear at all; sometimes it's just very slow to update. Given the yearly price I am paying, the software should work flawlessly, and it does not.

3.00/5.00 30, Nov -0001

I have been using Quicken for years, but within the ...

I have been using Quicken for years, but within the last year or so, it just seems like there are a lot of bugs in the program. It's still a very useful tool, but it's just too glitchy to download transactions and sync accounts. For what they're charging, it needs to be much more reliable.

3.00/5.00 30, Nov -0001

Quicken used to be a much better product, but since ...

Quicken used to be a much better product, but since their shift to an annual subscription model, it has made the product much less desirable. There are still too many bugs, and I'm not sure it's worth the cost anymore. I'm considering moving to another financial management tool.

2.00/5.00 30, Nov -0001

I have had Quicken for years, but these syncing issues ...

I have had Quicken for years, but these syncing issues are just getting too much to put up with. I am continually having to manually update transactions because they will not download. This should not be a problem considering what they charge.

2.00/5.00 30, Nov -0001

I have used Quicken for many years; it's just not ...

I have used Quicken for many years; it's just not as reliable as it once was. This software has too many bugs, and the customer service is not as attentive as before. Seriously considering alternatives.

3.00/5.00 30, Nov -0001

Quicken used to be a great tool for maintaining one's ...

Quicken used to be a great tool for maintaining one's finances; however, it's gotten too expensive for the functionality one receives. There are a lot of other choices out there that are far cheaper and do the same thing. Not sure I'll renew next year.

2.00/5.00 30, Nov -0001

I had some problems with my account and called Quicken's ...

I had some problems with my account and called Quicken's customer support for assistance. Unfortunately, the experience was less than satisfying. They didn't solve the problem at the end, and I felt irritated. The program itself is okay, but the customer support part needs more work.

2.00/5.00 30, Nov -0001

I have used Quicken for years now, and what keeps ...

I have used Quicken for years now, and what keeps getting my goat is that features seem to become increasingly more difficult to access than ever with more paywalls. Great base for software, but constant upselling and price increases are forcing me away from it.

3.00/5.00 30, Nov -0001

I feel like with every quicken update, more problems than ...

I feel like with every quicken update, more problems than fixes arise. Accounts do not sync as they should, and sometimes transactions are not categorized correctly. I have used this software for years, but the quality has degraded over time.

3.00/5.00 30, Nov -0001

Quicken is good for maintaining my records of financial transactions, ...

Quicken is good for maintaining my records of financial transactions, but it is not perfect; it has its drawbacks. The accounts linked with it often have syncing issues, and many times it takes too long to resolve. If they can fix the bugs, it would be much better.

2.00/5.00 30, Nov -0001

Quicken has been quite a decent program that suits my ...

Quicken has been quite a decent program that suits my needs over the years, but lately, it has simply become too costly for what you get. Major bugs, syncing problems, and ignoring features haven't justified increasing the price that much, and I will be researching alternatives.

2.00/5.00 30, Nov -0001

I have used Quicken for years. However, the syncing issues ...

I have used Quicken for years. However, the syncing issues have just gotten out of hand. Many times, transactions just will not download properly, and I'm continually having to manually update my accounts. The price keeps going up while the functionality goes down.

3.00/5.00 30, Nov -0001

Quicken has been great for record-keeping of my finances, but ...

Quicken has been great for record-keeping of my finances, but the longer it goes on, the more difficult it is to justify the expense. The features do not get better, and yet the annual cost goes up and up. I will keep using it for now but maybe doing some research soon for other options.

2.00/5.00 30, Nov -0001

I have used Quicken for more than 15 years and ...

I have used Quicken for more than 15 years and can hardly justify the price increases. Whereas it used to be a one-time purchase, now it is an annual payment without the appearance of improvement to the product. I've had issues with syncing with my bank accounts, and the software will miscategorize a transaction. Also, the customer support that answered my problems did so in a very timely manner. This is indeed going to be a frustrating experience. I hope they seriously go to work on some real improvements, or I am going to have to seriously think about finding another product.

3.00/5.00 30, Nov -0001

Quicken has been my go-to for years now, but recently, ...

Quicken has been my go-to for years now, but recently, the amount of bugs I have encountered has been disappointing. Syncing issues with my accounts, not downloading transactions properly, and super slow responses from customer service. Using has been frustrating. The actual software is promising, but for what I pay annually, I want better dependability. So far, it's been useful to track finances, which is why I have put up with the lackluster performance this long, but I am considering finding alternatives unless things improve soon.

2.00/5.00 30, Nov -0001

Using Quicken for more than ten years, I must say ...

Using Quicken for more than ten years, I must say I'm not exactly thrilled with its transition to the subscription model. Once upon a time, this software was reasonably priced since it was a one-time purchase. Nowadays, I have to pay annually for a product that is no different from the one I bought many years ago. Syncing my bank accounts has always been a problem, and I needed to manually update my transactions more often than I would like. I'd have hoped that for the price one pays for this service, it would be a whole lot smoother. Not sure I will continue with Quicken after my current subscription ends.

2.00/5.00 30, Nov -0001

I've been with Quicken for many years, and the support ...

I've been with Quicken for many years, and the support has declined. The tool remains useful for handling finances, but once there is some sort of problem, it could take ages just to get an answer from customer support. My accounts were a load of problems to sync, and those troubles are hard to get ironed out. At the price I'm paying, I'd expect far more substantial support and fewer bugs. The worst thing of all is that Quicken used to be such a much better product.

2.00/5.00 30, Nov -0001

I have used Quicken for almost 15 years, but I ...

I have used Quicken for almost 15 years, but I am not too fond of the subscription model they have right now. It's going up every year, and it's starting to feel like I'm just paying more and more for something that hasn't changed much. I've had problems with account syncing, and the experience I've had with customer support has been less than ideal. That's incredibly infuriating when one is paying a premium for this product. I miss how you used to be able to just buy the software and be done with all these hassles.

3.00/5.00 30, Nov -0001

Quicken used to be a solid product, but lately, I ...

Quicken used to be a solid product, but lately, I have been having too many syncing problems with my accounts. Sometimes the transactions do not download correctly, and most of the time I have to do some kind of manual data input. For the amount of fee I pay annually, I was expecting seamless functionality from the software-which isn't the case with this one. Poor support for customers of these issues, in addition to constant increases in subscription cost. Quicken is still quite useful, but the accumulation of issues makes me wonder whether it's worth the price.

2.00/5.00 30, Nov -0001

Quicken used to be a fantastic product, but it's just ...

Quicken used to be a fantastic product, but it's just gotten too expensive. I feel that I am no longer getting as much value for my money with this product. I'm also pretty annoyed at the subscription model and the fact it's here to stay upsets me.

2.00/5.00 30, Nov -0001

Used Quicken for nearly 20 years with generally no complaints, ...

Used Quicken for nearly 20 years with generally no complaints, but the 'updates' of late only served to make things worse. Every time they have a new update, it seems to just introduce new problems. Accounts don't update correctly often, and transactions are mischaracterized. Customer service has been virtually non-supportive. With increasing subscription costs, I feel less and less that it is worth subscribing to this software anymore. Annoying, since you pay more for the product which seems to be going further downhill.


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