Why is it important to protect your privacy on social media?


protect your privacy on social media

Nearly everyone in this world has some sort of global presence through social media platforms. As there are numerous social media platforms online, many are attracted to maintaining their relationships with their family and friends. Some are also encouraged to meet new people.

Nowadays, social media platforms are not just used to keep in touch with their loved ones but have become a window to capture a glimpse of what they are doing and are currently up to in their lives.

Social media platforms allow those near you to stay in touch in this hectic life that we live. However, for what we share online, we have to pay a price, and sometimes the price is quite costly.

Why is privacy important on social media?

It is important for everyone to maintain social media privacy. The amount of information that we share online on these social media apps allows anyone with a nefarious intention to hack into our lives and create havoc.

Social media platforms capture details of our lives; we post photos, hobbies, interests, photos of events and adventures, and so forth. Thus, anyone having access to social media platforms can know our entire lives and how we think.

These are some who also share their live experiences on social media platforms and broadcast them over the internet. Such actions have serious repercussions. Scammers are known to track down their potential victims, know them, and understand them before striking them.

In 2023, about 25% of US citizens had their Facebook, a popular social media platform, hijacked, and around 85% of Instagram accounts (another popular social media platform) hacked. What was more surprising was that the scammers had contacted their victims by impersonating someone from their friend list to carry out their nefarious means.

These con artists can use the data leak to create bogus financial accounts that can be linked to the victims. Scammers can misuse the information and push the victim of the identity theft into a financial burden.

How To Stay Safe On Social Media?

With a few steps taken by you, you can diminish your chances of falling victim to an online scam.

Privacy Terms And Conditions

Go through the terms and conditions, which are regularly updated. Keeping privacy as the foremost agenda item for these social media platforms, they are regularly updated. Go through these as they offer options for their users to manually select features that they wish to broadcast or keep private. Such privacy features require your authorization to activate them on your social media app.

Limit What You Share

One of the most important lessons to learn from all the hacked social media accounts is that scammers will latch on to those who frequently update their situations and experiences on social media platforms. Scammers and hackers target such people because they post every aspect of their personal lives online.

Con artists have little to work with as they are presented with all the details they require to perpetuate a crime. They use the data available online about these potential victims and stalk them before striking them and ripping them off.

Managing Friends And New Connections

One of the best online safety tips is to control who you want to be friends with. Accepting some shady friend request that will only end in disaster. If someone from your friends and family list contacts you and starts demanding money, it is best to hear what they have to say.

Once their call is disconnected, call the same person whose number you have saved on your smartphone and confirm the story that was told to you. Scammers are known to put their potential victims in an uncomfortable situation and demand money by impersonating their close ones. This trick is quite common, with scammers ripping off their victims on the pretext of being involved in an accident or on the wrong side of the law.

Using Stronger Passwords

Always lock your apps and smartphones with a strong password. Change these frequently. Always update your smartphones and web browsers.

Use Antivirus Protection

Always update and use a good antivirus on your smartphone.

Using Multi-Factor Authentication Features

As a security measure, use multi-factor authentication features; these act as the best defense, and scammers and hackers can find it very challenging to break into your smartphone.

Using Third-Party Apps

Be cautious while using apps that are not recommended by your smartphone company. Avoid utilizing third-party software wherever feasible. Rely on your smartphone company’s apps. Make a point to read the terms and conditions before downloading the app on your smartphone.

Also, be cautious when you use apps that are fun to play on your social media platforms. These apps are designed in such a way that they capture specific activities while you are browsing on your social media platforms.

Using Public WiFi

While using public WiFi, avoid using your banking apps or your crypto apps, as these public WiFis are used by scammers to capture financial details when someone uses their network. They are known to capture all the relevant details that can also be used for identity theft in the future.

Monitoring Your Social Media Apps

Make it a habit to observe your social media apps and look out for any irregularities. If you have not used your account recently, then try to look at the last post that you posted on it. Also, check for any comments or any recent activity.

If you find anything odd, then report it to the social media authorities and immediately change your password. There is a high chance that your social media account will be compromised.

Final Thoughts

There are considerable ways to stay safe online, and taking such steps is quite easy. You should learn to limit what you post on your social media platforms. You may also make sure that the people you allow are part of your online social circle.

Always research whom you want to enter on your friend’s list. In case your social media account is hacked, notify your friends and family immediately so that you can avoid them becoming victims of fraudulent activity.

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